Saturday, January 24, 2015

The New Console War

One of the great battles of our time, right up there with likes of the Revolutionary War and Genghis Kahn, the console wars rage on and will forever split the gaming community.  

There have been some great and very competitive console wars over the years. Intelevision vs. Colecovision, Sega vs. Nintendo, Sony vs. Microsoft; all have played their part in history and helped evolve the industry from a simple hobby to a way of life. Now, in 2015, the next great console war is in the midst of heated battle. Users and players from all walks of life are chiming in to give their opinions of which is best and to hoist the flag of their chosen king of gaming. This war has only just begun... 

Right now, we have a 3 party system. Microsoft with the Xbox One, Sony with the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo with the Wii U. I'm constantly asked which of the systems are best. I almost always never give a straight answer, simply because, there isn't one. Each have their own uniqueness and personality that will draw in some and push away others. Because you cant simply declare one system better than the other, I've come up with 4 points to think about when deciding which system will be best for you. 

  • Game Library 
  • Community/Friends 
  • Network and Services 
  • Ancillary services/features 

Given the above I'm going to elaborate on each point then compare the PS4 and Xbox One. 

Game Library 
This is the number one reason to decide to purchase one console over another. If it doesn’t have games you like, why bother? You need to look at exclusives (first and third party), multiplatform releases that might have some special content or features that one system will have over the other. Also keep in mind your favorite franchises and what systems those games will land on. 

Community and Friends 
It is vital that you keep in mind the community you are joining when choosing a console. This can sometimes dictate what type of experience you might have when playing games online or chatting with strangers. Also, think about what your friends have. If you want to play with them, then your choice might be completely dependent on what they chose. 

Network and Primary Services 
These days you could argue that this might be the most important thing to think about before you make your buying decision. What kind of network and services are offered by the system you are choosing? Is it reliable? What bonuses do you get? Can you find your friends on it? 

Ancillary Services and Features 
This one is important because each game console offers a set of features that are designed around making the overall experience much more unique and to integrate with other areas of your digital life. Some might have something that you need, while others chose to skip it for focusing on other things. Does the system have what you want, need and desire? (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Twitch, etc...) 

Now that I have explained the important points, lets dive into the systems themselves. 

Read my full article at!

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