Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dying Light First Impressions

Dying Light is arguably the first major game release of 2015. The hype machine got rolling around E3 last year and hasn't let up much. I have to admit though, this game had not been on my radar until recently. Zombie games are a dime a dozen now and are approaching the legendary status of WWII games in terms of amount of games out there. But, what finally got my attention and ultimately made me decide to pick it up was how well it blends different types of game genres into one cohesive experience and doesn't hold back. Dying Light is a great way to kick off 2015 and gives us gamers yet another fantastic title to add to our next gen libraries.

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Wii U Is Pretty Great

The Wii U often times goes over looked by the gaming community at large. Whenever I talk about consoles, its almost like pulling teeth to get someone to engage me in conversation about it. The simple fact is, Nintendo knows what they are doing. Anyone who doubts this need only look at their history to see for themselves. When Nintendo entered the gaming market, especially here in the US, there were a handful of competitors. Looking over that list shows companies that are no longer able compete or produce hardware. Atari, Sega, and Phillips, among others all have failed to continue what Nintendo started and succeeds with today. They have one of, if not the best catalogue of games, characters and outright awesomeness that we as fans truly love.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The New Console War

One of the great battles of our time, right up there with likes of the Revolutionary War and Genghis Kahn, the console wars rage on and will forever split the gaming community.  

There have been some great and very competitive console wars over the years. Intelevision vs. Colecovision, Sega vs. Nintendo, Sony vs. Microsoft; all have played their part in history and helped evolve the industry from a simple hobby to a way of life. Now, in 2015, the next great console war is in the midst of heated battle. Users and players from all walks of life are chiming in to give their opinions of which is best and to hoist the flag of their chosen king of gaming. This war has only just begun... 

Up and Running!

So I have this blog thing up and running now. I felt it was good for me to get some content on it to both make it feel lived in as well as allow me to play with some layouts and templates. So far so good I'd have to say.

It's interesting going through my writings because when I started writing, I had no idea what to do or what kind of writer I would be. (Or even if it would be good.) As time went on, I could start to see how my style become my own and was able express what I was thinking and feeling better than I realized I could.

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Greatest Hits: Wearable Tech, Early 2014

Wearable is the tech hot word of 2014. Everyone is talking about it and analysts are predicting it to be the next big thing. What is wearable tech and why is it important to understand what it does for you?

Greatest Hits: Nexus 9 Hands-On and Review

See the original article at!

The Nexus 9 is the best pure Android tablet out right now. It has Lollipop, a cutting edge processor and a new form factor that lends itself wonderfully to average media and social consumption. I’ve spent the last week with it as my daily driver and found that it is lesser than the sum of its parts.   

Greatest Hits: iPhone 6 Review

See the original article at!

Each and every year, the world looks forward to September. The time of year when Apple tries to blow our collective minds with the latest and greatest to come from the geniuses in Cupertino. Apples legacy is robust, awe-inspiring and defies all odds. The iPhone changed the world as we know it. This type of product comes once a generation and lasts forever. Now-a-days, fans and critics alike are looking for them to do it again. With each release of iPhone, people become more critical of Apple and the minds behind it. We as fans of technology are always going to thirst for more and greater things. Often times when we get caught up in this blood-lust, we lose sight of what’s in front of us. Apple, time and again, have left the technology world a better place than when they got it. Looking back over the short life of the iPhone, each new version has introduced something unique, useful or done something better than anyone has done before. iPhone 6 is much more than this; it is best advancement to the product line we’ve ever seen.

Hello World!


My name is Dan and I am a tech addict.

Seriously though, I'm a huge fan of all kinds of technology and just so happen to love writing about it too! I created this blog to have an avenue to express my writing along side other things I do. I also write for an up and coming tech site called There will be a lot of cross posts between this blog and Gadgetblur, but I mostly want to use this to explore other kinds of writing, styles and maybe even some non-tech related stuff too.

I'm also going to be posting what I like to call my greatest hits. A selection of favorite articles that I have written over the years.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you continue to visit!